The Wailing

The Wailing

THE WAILING Pedro Martín-Calero THE WAILING Pedro Martín-Calero Synopsis Something is haunting Andrea, but no one, not even she herself, knows what it is. Twenty years ago, ten thousand kilometers away, the same presence terrorized Marie. Camila was the only person...
The sons’s homecoming

The sons’s homecoming

THE SON'S ARRIVALCelia Atán & Valeria Pivato THE SON’S ARRIVAL Cecilia Atán & Valeria Pivato SYNOPSIS Sofía, deep in secret mourning, must take her son into her home on his return from spending years in jail. For both of them this reunion will be the...
Lost & found

Lost & found

LOST & FOUND Jorge Dorado LOST & FOUND Jorge Dorado Synopsis MARIO works in a large warehouse of a Lost & Found office, where he keeps all kinds of belongings accumulated over decades. Mario, who has long since decided to distance himself from people,...
Rosa’s wedding

Rosa’s wedding

ROSA´S WEDDINGPor Iciar Bollain ROSA´S WEDDING Iciar Bollain Synopsis Rosa is about to turn 45 and her life is not only out of her control, it shows no signs of ever being something she can call her own. She decides to grab hold of the reins of her life and to fulfil...
Oliver’s universe

Oliver’s universe

OLIVER’S UNIVERSEAlexis Morante OLIVER’S UNIVERSE Alexis Morante Synopsis The year 1985. Oliver, a young boy with an extremely colorful imagination, moves to the southernmost tip of Europe with his family, right when Halley’s Comet is due to pass. These events will...